Can AI Predict Relationship Quality?
Read more: Can AI Predict Relationship Quality?Our relationships shape the trajectory of our lives, and the quality of relationships directly impact our sense of happiness and well-being. Relationships affect not only individual and family well-being but also mental and physical health and job performance. A romantic relationship can be the most all-encompassing and, ideally, will last a lifetime. What characteristics of…
Protecting College Students from Sexual Assault
Read more: Protecting College Students from Sexual AssaultMany freshman college students consider experimenting with alcohol as a rite of passage. Campus drinking culture, especially in the United States, is a known problem. One survey revealed that almost half of all college students aged 18-22 drank alcohol, and almost 30% had engaged in binge drinking over the previous month.[i] This campus culture of…
Over-Prescribed or Under-Diagnosed?
Read more: Over-Prescribed or Under-Diagnosed?Psychotropic Medications for Children Psychotropic medications, which can alter mood, perception, cognition, and behavior, have become a commonplace treatment for psychiatric disorders, eclipsing even the use of psychotherapy as a preferred treatment.[1] Children ages 0-18 also receive psychotropic meds to treat a variety of disorders including ADHD/ADD, anxiety, depression, psychosis and other disorders. Applying psychopharmacology…
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